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PFAS Contaminated Soil Treatment Assessment

Project Name

Project Location

South Australia


Southern Waste ResourceCo

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Project Description

Given the experience of Ennovo in undertaking contaminated soil and groundwater treatment projects, we were engaged to undertake an assessment of a number of commercially available PFAS soil treatment reagents. This assessment was primarily undertaken in our laboratory facility which allowed a high level of control and standards to be met.

The outcome was highly beneficial to our client who has invested in a waste treatment facility and required an unbiased view on what is commercially available in this area.

The main disciplines undertaken included the following:

  • Chemical and physical analysis of PFAS impacted soil
  • Laboratory treatment trial of PFAS impacted soil
  • Market assessment of PFAS treatment reagents
  • Assessment matrix including technical, financial, and regulatory aspects
  • Cost benefit analysis of PFAS treatment reagents
Our experience

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