Project Name
Project Location
Stawell, VIC
Related Services
Project Description
Biogas Systems were engaged to design and construct a gas collection system (GCS), and supply a permanent LFG flare for the Stawell Landfill. Previously this site did not have any LFG infrastructure present. The constructed CGS and LFG Flares ensure environmental compliance and will potentially generate carbon credits.
The works were broken up into a number of phases, beginning with a NGERs assessment. This assessment underpinned the site LFG Masterplan – developed to clearly map out LFG needs, including both those immediate and required into the future. Once completed, a technical specification and design was developed for the GCS and permanent flare. This determined the requirement of a 1,000m3/hr LFG (HT) flare to meet Type B and Emission Reduction Fund (ERF) compliance.
The GSC installed for the first stage of works consisted of 12 extraction wells, associated pipework, and a permanent flare.
The entire works were self-delivered on time, with zero LTIs and site Auditor/third party CQA requirements met. The flare was installed and commissioned on time despite the project occurring during a very difficult period of supply chain logistic challenges. This install and timely commission reflected the team’s skill and experience.
The main disciplines undertaken included the following:
- NGERs modelling and assessment
- Landfill gas master-planning
- Engineering design of LFG infrastructure
- GCS contracting works
- Civil and concreting works
- Elevated flare hire
- 1000 m3/hr HT flare design and manufacture
- Type B and ERF compliance
- Flare installation and commissioning
- Monitoring and maintenance
- Data management and reporting