Ennovo is comprised of skilled and experienced engineers, scientists and technical specialists that provide pragmatic solutions for our clients.
We are able to manage all stakeholders involved in the engineering and design of waste management facilities, biogas management systems, site remediation systems and projects across the board.
The Ennovo engineering team undertake the master planning, design, tendering, construction supervision, contract management and validation of new and operational waste management facilities. We ensure we are up to date with the latest design approaches and meet industry best practice and regulatory requirements.
At Ennovo, we are intimately aware of the unique industry environment in which our waste management and property development clients operate and pride ourselves on providing practical solutions to address the complex issues faced. We have extensive experience providing the complete suite of services associated with the design, management, construction and monitoring of landfills, resource recovery facilities and remediation systems.
We are well placed to assist our clients with responding to the need for continual development and improvements in circularity, waste avoidance, material reuse and resource recovery, in alignment with the waste management hierarchy. Our experience allows us to collaborate effectively with our government and private waste management clients to develop strategic plans for the provision of waste management services and infrastructure.
Our core competencies in this area includes the following:
- Landfill gas (LFG) gas collection systems (GCS) design
- Landfill gas (LFG) extraction system design including blowers and flaring systems
- Biogas systems and renewable energy design
- Landfill rehabilitation
- Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) and certification
- Waste facility master planning and approvals
- Leachate management system design
- Waste licensing amendments and approvals
- Technical waste management/treatment assessment
- Whole of life modelling including CAPEX and OPEX forecasting for landfills incorporating operational, monitoring, rehabilitation, and post-closure requirements
- Project management
- Waste to resource product plans
- Waste feasibility assessments
- Waste auditing
- Funding applications
- Cost benefit analysis
- Waste management risk assessments
- Technical and commercial due diligence
- ERF Reporting